We just got back from the ER; they said there wasn't really anything they could do. I'm a little discouraged and wondering why. I think I'm going to ask for an order to his Birmingham doctor. Wish me luck.
I'm so sorry to hear that your dad isn't doing well... We will keep him in our prayers. And I'm always here for you if you want to talk. Keep your chin up, Chica, we're here if you need us.
Thanks. We just back from the hospital (again). This time, we had a new doc on call and he ran tests and we're going to stay on the meds we're on, but we're to notify if no change. lol I'm so tired of doctors. lol I'll keep you posted. Thanks, Amanda.
So here we are. lol He started sweating again, but I'm thinking it's just from the good ol' Georgia heat that's already started up. He slept pretty much throughout the night which was a relief, now we just have to get him focused on eating and drinking again. If he doesn't, we're headed right back to the ER for an emergency feeding tube.
I swore off the stuff last night, but I swear I hear it calling from the fridge.. cold and gooey and yummy..... I'm having an attack. I don't know if I can fight it off.