This is Chimmie here. I have lost a couple very special people in my life this year. In that aspect this hasn't been the best year so far.
Truely the hardest was my Uncle. He passed away this Mother's day. He had a sudden massive heart attack but that's not why we lost him. We lost him because the people around him refused to give him CPR until the ambulance got there. I can't say enough about how important knowing CPR is. My uncle was in perfect health and even after having a massive heart attack he had been so healthy that there was so little damage done to his heart the doctors honestly believed he had a stroke instead. He didn't, he died 3 days later on Mother's Day from simply not having oxygen to his brain for too long.
That was a loss that didn't have to happen. A great man taken to soon in a terrible way. Mother's Day will honestly never be the same for me. I love & miss you Randall.