I was with my ex which is in the Army- for 3 years. We broke up a while ago- but we decided to remain friends. We lived together before he ever went into the Military. It was extremely hard being away from him because I was used to him always being there. He goes to Iraq in a few months- and we talk still phone and I will be there for him while he is in Iraq. We're good friends now and he's there for me when I need him. So if anyone has questions or just wants to talk just let me know, i've been there- so i can relate.
My boyfriend is in Iraq right now and isn't schedule to come home until November /December. I join the local FRG in Houston but since my boyfriend, Kev and I don't have any kids, I have so much free time on my hands. I have so many questions and no Answers. I would love to chat w.you. Thanks Kim
Any questions that you may have feel free and ask them. It's difficult being so far away. And the worry eats at you when they are away. I'm here if you need anything at all.
Thanks. But I am having a hard time getting to your web site. I have to do a lot of research to keep finding it. Can you email me the direct web site address. You can also email me at goofydog_72 which is yahoo.
I mean I hear stories about what is going on over there. but it is very hard. My soldier has already gotten hurt already; luckly he wasn't serious hurt. But scraed the H#$ out of me. Him and his troops are suppose to be home sometime in Nov /Dec.
We had a bit of a problem with the Board last night and some of my posts never went through. Luckily they got it fixed now. I was saying just let me know if you need anything.
I understand that the soldiers over there can "get mean " to their love ones. I heard a story where a couple were married for a long time, and all of the sudden the soldier told his wife that he wanted a divorce. She was shocked. But she couldn't much except to wait until he comes home. I experiencing the sudden change in my soldier. It;s hard. I am confuse, but I will stand my his side.
Well a lot of people change after being over there, and seeing what they see. We have no idea what is like being there or the horrors that they may see. The only thing we can do really, is be there for them. And not PUSH ... just let them know that we love them and care.
Amanda is right. As much as you want to be their everything for when they get back, you can't be. I went through something similar to the couple you mentioned. I was engaged to an XO of a rifle company. Great guy and very ambitious; just like I am. I think it was the pressure though of what he went through and he needed time. I let him go and I haven't spoken with him since, and it's okay. I knew he needed to walk away to clear his head and that's the best thing you can do. You have to just let things be... when they're ready, they will talk. And they may never talk. But just let your love go out to him and in time, things will be akin to what they used to be. I hope I was some help. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Caitlin.
Is he still there? How long has it been since the two of you have spoken? See my soldier is still there. I determine to stand by his side, but i am scared thatvhe won't come back to me. I can't sleep, eat or anything. I am a mess.
AWWW CAT! *HUGS* He came back from 'stan and is now in Iraq; he's moved up in rank and no, we don't talk, but I know what he does through checking here and there. A and I would write these incredible letters and have unique phone conversations and then the letters started to die down and the phone calls were less frequent. I would ask his family and they all said that was normal (it wasn't normal in my family who serves too though). I do know you're elgible for couseling with Army One.. I'll get you the information. Your guy could have been having an off week or two the weeks he seemed so harsh and it's over now or it could be leading up to something. I know about wanting to keep my mouth shut after I had said something BUT you have the RIGHT to DEMAND to KNOW what is going on in YOUR relationship. No amount of loving someone gets to change that. He may be fighting, but your're standing the front lines here at home and alot of times, that's a helluva lot harder, Cat. The best thing that YOU can do right now is to get healthy and that means eating right again, resting well and getting your energy up. One of two things is going to happen: he's going to come home and y'all are going to need that energy to welcome each other back OR he's going to say goodbye to you and it's going to have to be YOU who has the dignity to hold her head high and wish him the best and then turn and leave. I'm here for you whatever the outcome is... we all are.
You're welcome. A is on his second tour of duty for OIF; he did one tour for OEF. I think what I read for his guys is that they are due home in September but he will probably leave out soon after that due to his job.
Thank you very much. I just keep praying and hope for the best. I know I shouldn't worry about 6 months from now b/c I know a lot of things can happen. But the waiting is driving me crazy. I just hope he doesn't give up on me.
Catlin I am now just realizing who your boyfriend is and we are both here at this remote base here in N. Iraq. I used to go and hang in his tent a lot he is a good man very nice to everyone and will go out of his way to take care of his people. We even went out on the same convoy together and got hit with 2 bombs! At the same time he is also in charge of his squad out here and his unit is who's not even here comes down on him. Plus things is about to get even worse for us here because a american unit here is leaving in a few days so that means no more American chowhall for us. Only way we know right now of how we going to eat is 1) MRE's 2)food from home or 3) the Iraq chowhall that serves the same meal for lunch and dinner everyday! Then we have to rely on the Iraq Army to to man all the gates and you never know if they will let the wrong people in or not. Because we did have 2 bombs here on the same day and some people still gives us dirty looks but majority still loves the fact that we are here. So Cat just give him space and time at the same time let him know that you are there for him and you won't ever give up on him! He will come around watch!
When you get to your wit's end, you'll find God lives there.
My soldier have broken up w/me. He sent me a not a nice email. It hurts very bad. I weant to stand by him and mnail all his goodies, but he said he dosen't want to be w/me. I don't know who to trust or what to do. I am so confuse. All I want him to be safe and sound. I really do love him very much and I want to take care of him - cat