How can you be so arrogant When for you I laid down my life.. I gave up my children as well as my wife.... And Yet you are so humble to understand a Soldier in strife.... Have you ever heard bombs and guns going off all around ? Have you ever saw a Soldier lying dead upon a battle ground ? And Have you ever lived in fear if a loved one would be found ? One Soldier has lost his arms, One has lost His legs... One Soldier is bleeding to death While the other is trying to save His life.... I am out here everyday fighting to protect our pilgrim land... Yet you have the nerve to tell me that your the better man... Where are you when America needs a helping hand ? We Soldiers protect you every day when another battle erupts... We give our lives and souls just to keep America up... This war we fight is evil and corrupt.. So friend ask yourself would I fight this war for my fellow men ? Would I fight this battle and lose my life in the end ? Give us Soldiers support Our scars are deep within... Remember that We are Humans just as you... Different Morals with different views... written by : Patricia Williams July 23,2006