My Story
Ok I really cant believe I am doing this but I only share this knowing that it may help someone in the long run.... I am not seeking pity or anything of the sort but I do feel like I am an expert on this subject so if anyone needs someone to listen to them or talk to them or try to give them advice on this subject yo...
Please Read
I was reading through my previous post on Domestic Violence, and for a moment I thought, wow, that just seemed kind of harsh. I am NOT in any way, shape or form, here to judge you. I am here to lend any help or Support. If you want to talk, I am here to listen. I hope that you don't take it as me being rude. The cho...
Domestic Violence is:
Domestic Violence is: Violence against Love, Violence against humanity, Spousal abuse, Marriage neglect, A prison, in which a person is trapped into submission. Domestic violence is: that which society covers up rather than faces up to that it should determine to heal. It is ugliness, sanitiz...
Domestic Violence
We all know how touche of a subject this can be, however, it is something that needs to be addressed, something that needs to be talked about. Domestic violence is sweeping through the homes of many women and men in a fist of fury. More and more people are becoming prisoners in their own homes. Beaten by t...